1 Start 2 Complete Please help improve our educational activities by providing us with feedback. Thank you for your feedback and participation. Please rate the following question: * 0 - Not at all Likely12345678910 - Extremely Likely How likely is it that you would recommend this continuing education activity to a friend or colleague? How likely is it that you would recommend this continuing education activity to a friend or colleague? - 0 - Not at all Likely How likely is it that you would recommend this continuing education activity to a friend or colleague? - 1 How likely is it that you would recommend this continuing education activity to a friend or colleague? - 2 How likely is it that you would recommend this continuing education activity to a friend or colleague? - 3 How likely is it that you would recommend this continuing education activity to a friend or colleague? - 4 How likely is it that you would recommend this continuing education activity to a friend or colleague? - 5 How likely is it that you would recommend this continuing education activity to a friend or colleague? - 6 How likely is it that you would recommend this continuing education activity to a friend or colleague? - 7 How likely is it that you would recommend this continuing education activity to a friend or colleague? - 8 How likely is it that you would recommend this continuing education activity to a friend or colleague? - 9 How likely is it that you would recommend this continuing education activity to a friend or colleague? - 10 - Extremely Likely Please select the response that best indicates the impact this continuing education activity has had on you. * I have already implemented the recommendations discussed. I will change my practice based on the recommendations discussed. I need more information before I decide to use the recommendations discussed. I will not implement the recommendations discussed. The recommendations discussed are not applicable for my specialty, not within my scope of practice and/or I am retired. If you selected I will change my practice based on the recommendations discussed, what changes will you make? * Please rate the following: * Strongly disagreeDisagreeSlightly disagreeNeutralSlightly agreeAgreeStrongly agree Evidence was given to support learning objectives. Evidence was given to support learning objectives. - Strongly disagree Evidence was given to support learning objectives. - Disagree Evidence was given to support learning objectives. - Slightly disagree Evidence was given to support learning objectives. - Neutral Evidence was given to support learning objectives. - Slightly agree Evidence was given to support learning objectives. - Agree Evidence was given to support learning objectives. - Strongly agree New knowledge and skills were learned as a result of this activity. New knowledge and skills were learned as a result of this activity. - Strongly disagree New knowledge and skills were learned as a result of this activity. - Disagree New knowledge and skills were learned as a result of this activity. - Slightly disagree New knowledge and skills were learned as a result of this activity. - Neutral New knowledge and skills were learned as a result of this activity. - Slightly agree New knowledge and skills were learned as a result of this activity. - Agree New knowledge and skills were learned as a result of this activity. - Strongly agree This activity was a valuable use of my time. This activity was a valuable use of my time. - Strongly disagree This activity was a valuable use of my time. - Disagree This activity was a valuable use of my time. - Slightly disagree This activity was a valuable use of my time. - Neutral This activity was a valuable use of my time. - Slightly agree This activity was a valuable use of my time. - Agree This activity was a valuable use of my time. - Strongly agree Materials presented were balanced and not commercially biased. Materials presented were balanced and not commercially biased. - Strongly disagree Materials presented were balanced and not commercially biased. - Disagree Materials presented were balanced and not commercially biased. - Slightly disagree Materials presented were balanced and not commercially biased. - Neutral Materials presented were balanced and not commercially biased. - Slightly agree Materials presented were balanced and not commercially biased. - Agree Materials presented were balanced and not commercially biased. - Strongly agree Please rate the activity format: * Strongly disagreeDisagreeSlightly disagreeNeutralSlightly agreeAgreeStrongly agree The activity format was effective and suitable for this activity. The activity format was effective and suitable for this activity. - Strongly disagree The activity format was effective and suitable for this activity. - Disagree The activity format was effective and suitable for this activity. - Slightly disagree The activity format was effective and suitable for this activity. - Neutral The activity format was effective and suitable for this activity. - Slightly agree The activity format was effective and suitable for this activity. - Agree The activity format was effective and suitable for this activity. - Strongly agree The activity content was easy to access and view. The activity content was easy to access and view. - Strongly disagree The activity content was easy to access and view. - Disagree The activity content was easy to access and view. - Slightly disagree The activity content was easy to access and view. - Neutral The activity content was easy to access and view. - Slightly agree The activity content was easy to access and view. - Agree The activity content was easy to access and view. - Strongly agree The activity graphics and/or audio were high quality. The activity graphics and/or audio were high quality. - Strongly disagree The activity graphics and/or audio were high quality. - Disagree The activity graphics and/or audio were high quality. - Slightly disagree The activity graphics and/or audio were high quality. - Neutral The activity graphics and/or audio were high quality. - Slightly agree The activity graphics and/or audio were high quality. - Agree The activity graphics and/or audio were high quality. - Strongly agree Do you have any additional observations, comments or education needs? Leave this field blank