Series date: 
09/26/2024 - 8:00am CDT to 05/01/2025 - 4:30pm CDT

Texas Health Resources' nurse scientists have created a Health Science Fellowship to prepare clinical nurses to serve as leaders in research initiatives to improve patient outcomes and add to nursing knowledge. Fellows will be empowered with research tools, skills and experiences, working on a specific research project throughout the fellowship.

The fellowship features a number of sessions taught by Texas Health nurse scientists. Nursing continuing education contact hours are available to participants, and there is no charge to participate. Criteria for participants includes:

  • Minimum two years of experience as a nurse
  • Minimum of one year on current unit
  • Employed a minimum of 50% time
  • Manager's support
  • Have an identified mentor

For more information and to apply (Texas Health nurses only), send an email to [email protected].